The Best Way to Cook Steak in the Oven
Once we found out how to cook steak in the oven, we have been doing it constantly, telling all our friends about it, we even updated our packaging to show the instructions on the backside for a reverse sear. It’s THAT good.
We can’t stop talking about cooking steak in the oven and we cannot mess up. That is the kind of cooking method you can commit to memory.
The reverse sear can be done in the oven and then finished in the skillet. Some people also like to finish it on the grill, which we think is pretty great, too! The basic premise of the reverse sear is to cook it at a low temperature for a longer time, and then finish it off with a very hot sear to get the crust to develop that char and delicious caramelization. The reverse sear is a super-easy way to cook steaks for a crowd or to make sure you don’t overcook your thicker steaks (or undercook them) from your desired doneness.
So anyway, let’s get to this lifesaving steak cooking lesson. We brought in the big guns to help with this one. The big guns, meaning, Sarah Beth. She’s going to walk you through the reverse sear step by step.
For this lesson, you’ll need your steaks (at room temperature), an oven-safe skillet, some kitchen tongs, a sheet tray, salt, and oil. Try cooking steak in the oven soon!
Try these recipes using the reverse sear method:We hope you like the reverse sear as much as we do. Here are some other recipes you should try!