Everything About Pre
Our Brand
What Does Pre Mean?
Pre® means“before”. Before the onset of agribusiness and the modern cattle industrial system centered on intensive animal farming/feedlots.
Our company goes back to how cattle raising used to be done – with animals treated humanely, out on pasture year round to graze and grow on grass.
Where Does Pre Source From?
Currently, Pre is sourced from select regions in Australia, New Zealand, and the United States that offer ideal environmental conditions (rainfall & variety of grasses) for year-round pasture raising.
How is Pre beef shipped to the United States?
Our beef is shipped in the subprimal form by sea freight, which has a lower carbon footprint than other methods of transport such as air, rail or motor vehicle.
Pre Beef
Does Pre beef ever contain antibiotics?
At Pre, we believe in controlled and safe use of antibiotics when animals are in need. If an animal is sick, a veterinarian will administer antibiotics and remove the animal from the rest of the herd. When the tested amount of time has gone by and the antibiotics are out of the animal’s system, the animal is let back in the herd.
Do Pre products contain growth hormones?
Absolutely not. While cattle naturally have hormones (like all living beings), we never use added hormones to promote rapid growth.
Is Pre meat USDA Prime?
Only cattle raised in the U.S. can be graded as USDA prime, but Pre meat is USDA inspected and approved.
Is Pre beef free of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms?)
All our supply is guaranteed non-GMO through third-party audits in Australia and New Zealand and from audits in the United States.
Is Pre beef organic?
We have been asked this a lot, and we wrote a blog post to answer as many questions as we could, please read it here.
We have looked at organic beef to source in the past. While we really appreciate organic food in many other categories, in our experience, most of the organic beef we tasted wasn’t great, and it certainly wasn’t consistent. We also found out that being labeled organic doesn’t mean or guarantee that the beef is pasture raised. You can feed animals organic corn and grain, and still label the meat organic.
Because of this, we decided to go a different route and find the best pasture- raised, grass fed and grass finished beef we could find, providing both a consistent, delicious beef eating experience, and the health benefits that we believe consumers want.
We identified the best regions in the world that grow the healthiest, most nutrient dense grass year round, resulting in great tasting, better for you, premium fresh beef. The health benefits of grass fed and finished Pre beef are that it is lower in fat and calories than grain fed beef, with no added antibiotics or growth hormones, and sourced from humanely treated cattle.
What grade of steak is Pre?
Only cattle raised in the United States can be USDA graded. We inspect each cut for fifteen points of quality including breed, class, marbling, tenderness, size, weight, no added hormones and no added antibiotics.
What Vaccines Are Given to Pre's Cattle?
All cattle get 10in1 vaccines, and all of the cattle get a leptospirosis vaccine yearly. None of the cattle receive mRNA vaccines.
Grass Fed Beef
What is the difference between grass fed beef, 100% grass fed and grass fed & finished?
Check out our video all about this topic >
Grass fed and finished and 100% grass fed: These terms are interchangeable and describe cattle whose diet after weaning consists of fresh of stored grasses. No grains are given at any time. The cattle we source graze on fresh grass year round.
Grass fed: Cattle eat freshly grazed or stored grasses until the finishing period. Finishing can be on grass or grain, but a “grass fed” label may not mean it was finished on grass alone.
Does grass fed beef taste differently than grain fed beef?
With grain fed beef, the nutty flavor comes predominantly from fat, while other grass fed beef can have a more nuanced flavor and leaner taste. Pre beef stands out because we curate every cut for flavor, tenderness and juiciness along with a well-balanced marbling score for uniquely flavorful and tender beef. You can smell the difference!
Is all grass fed beef the same?
No, it is not. In the same way that wine quality varies depending on the soil, climate and region, the quality of grass fed beef varies as well. That’s why we only use the two most tender breeds, pasture raised year-round on a variety of nutrient-dense grasses. Check out our blog post about grass fed vs. grass finished beef to learn more.
Our Packaging
Is your packaging BPA free?
Yes, our packaging is 100% BPA Free. Additionally, we do not use nitrate film to enhance meat color or any gasses to artificially extend shelf life.
What does vacuum sealed packaging mean?
We remove all oxygen from our 100% transparent packaging to ensure that meat stays fresher for longer. We never use treated films or gases to extend the shelf life.
Is your packaging recyclable?
Our paperboard backing is recyclable and, while our plastic package is not recyclable, it is BPA-free.
Is your packaging freezer ready?
Yes. Because of our vacuum seal, you can place our product directly in the freezer and easily defrost in the package as well. We recommend defrosting overnight in the refrigerator or for a quicker method, removing the pouch and submerging in cool water, replacing water every 30 minutes until thawed.
Why does the meat look dark purple/red in the package?
The color you see in the package is a deeper red color because no oxygen is present and because of the richer nutrient profile. Once the package is opened and the beef is exposed to air, the color will change to a brighter red. Read more about this transition here!
Why do you use plastic in your packaging?
We appreciate your environmental mindset, and while we do use plastic to package our beef, we are always focused on ways to work towards improving sustainability. The reason we use plastic to package our products is to create a tight, vacuum seal to ensure our steaks and ground beef stay fresh for a long period of time.
The only way to do this naturally is to remove as much oxygen as possible and create an airtight package. We also want to keep a transparent package so that you can see and know what you are buying. Right now, this can only be done when using plastic film.
All meat is packaged with plastic, even the meat that is placed behind the butcher counter. Right now, it is the only way to keep meat from spoiling as oxygen is beef’s nemesis.
The good news is, because our package allows you to put it right in the freezer, you won't need to open and then wrap it up again to freeze like you would with meat from behind the counter. That will help cut down on plastic use. Our beef will also last longer, so you won't have as much food waste. Being that our beef is grass fed and finished, and pasture raised, we also help provide sustainable beef in an industry where feedlots are the norm. With rotational farming practices in place where we source our beef, we can provide healthy, better-for-you beef raised in the best way possible.
We are continually testing and working hard to find ways that ensure beef can be transported safely and as fresh as possible while keeping the environment in mind. We do our best to make this world a better place for humans and animals.
Humane Treatment
What about your grazing practices?
Our farmers in New Zealand, Australia, and the United States practice rotational grazing. Additionally, most farmers will have other animals graze alongside the cattle, such as sheep, as these animals will graze on different types of grasses (sheep like weeds actually, so this practice helps to maintain their pasture!).
Do you use vaccines on your cattle?
In Australia and New Zealand, there are currently no mRNA vaccines that are approved for use in cattle or any other livestock. The vaccines given to cattle in these countries are traditional types of vaccines, such as killed or modified-live vaccines, that have been used for many years to protect cattle from infectious diseases.
Common vaccines given to cattle in Australia and New Zealand include:
Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) vaccine
Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) vaccine
Bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) vaccine
Clostridial vaccines (e.g., tetanus, blackleg, and pulpy kidney)
Leptospirosis vaccine
Johne's disease vaccine
Botulism vaccine
In addition, Australia has vaccines available for tick fever and Q fever, while New Zealand has vaccines available for salmonella, rotavirus, and Campylobacter fetus.
It's important to note that vaccination programs for cattle can vary based on the individual farm's management practices and disease risks, and it's recommended that farmers consult with their veterinarian to determine the most appropriate vaccination program for their herd.
"Cattle Vaccination" by Meat and Livestock Australia.
"Vaccination Programs for Beef Cattle Herds" by Beef + Lamb New Zealand.
What kind of quality of life do the cattle have?
We practice the Internationally accepted 5 Freedoms for animal welfare:Freedom fromhunger, thirst, and malnutrition, Freedom fromdiscomfort Freedom frompain, injury and disease Freedom fromfear and distress Freedom toengage in normal patterns of animal behavior.
Stressed meat is tough meat. So all Pre beef is 100% pasture raised for a stress-free lifespan. We have strict ossification measurements that ensure the quality of life.
What is humane treatment?
The subject of slaughter is not happy to talk about, but it is very important. We take our humane standards very seriously, and all of our cattle have not only been raised in a humane manner on small family farms, but they are also killed humanely.
The slaughterhouses in New Zealand and Australia follow the guidelines developed by Dr. Temple Grandin, a world renowned authority on the compassionate and respectful treatment of animals raised for food. The method used during the slaughter of cattle is captive bolt stunning. The animal feels no pain and becomes instantly unconscious. Prior to the stunning, the animals are guided as though they are returning home single file and they do not see the stunning, and therefore are not scared or frightened.
You can visit Dr. Grandin's website for further detail related to slaughter and all the work done to ensure the animals are treated as humanely as possible, without being frightened or scared.
What does pasture raised mean?
Pasture raised has more to do with environment than diet. Cattle are not confined and are free to graze on open pasture. At a minimum, pasture raised animals must have continuous access to the outdoors for 120 days per year. At Pre, cattle are raised outdoors on pasture for their lifespan.
What kind of grass do the cattle eat?
Our animals have unlimited access to many different types of grass that include, but are not limited to: Mitchell grass, Flinders grass, clover, rye and alfalfa. Variety is key for a healthy diet.
Humane Treatment Audits
We have audits performed to verify our farmers are following animal handling standards.
An accredited third party will conduct an audit against the Certified Humane or Animal Handling standards. FSNS and Aus-Meat are two of the auditing bodies that our suppliers use, but there are quite a few accredited auditing bodies that do this. This is generally a yearly audit, and we maintain updated certificates from our supplier. If we notice a supplier scored lower on an audit, we will look at their audit report and make sure there are sufficient corrective actions to remedy the audit findings.
What is CLA?
CLA is conjugated linoleic acid, a naturally occurring fatty acid that may help reduce body fat deposits and improve immune function. Our beef has up to 3 times the amount of CLA as USDA choice beef of the same cut.
Is Pre® gluten-free?
Yes. Pre® beef is gluten free.
What are Omega-3s?
Omegas 3s are fatty acids that may help decrease the risk of heart disease. Our beef has up to 151mg of Omega 3 per serving.
How does Pre beef impact health?
Our fixed portion sizes allow us to accurately calculate the nutritional profile of our products. Exact nutrition information can be found on each shopping page, but overall Pre beef offers:
Up to 38% fewer Calories*
Up to 63% less Fat*
Higher heart-healthy Omega 3s*
Higher CLA, which may also have health benefits*
10 essential nutrients including protein, iron, zinc and B vitamins
*Vs. USDA choice version for the same cut of beef
Cooking & Storage
Can you sous vide with Pre beef packaging?
We cannot recommend sous vide cooking in our packaging as it has not been tested for heat, it is made specifically to ensure freshness in the refrigerator and freezer.
Can Pre beef be thawed and refrozen?
We do not recommend thawing and refreezing our beef as this can decrease its ability to retain moisture and result in a poor eating experience.
How do you cook Pre steaks?
You can reference our cooking guide here for all the different items we carry.
If you don’t see the answer you’re looking for, please email us at reachus@eatpre.com
How long will Pre last in the refrigerator?
Pre should be stored in the refrigerator until the "Use/Freeze By" date printed on the package. By this date the product should be consumed, or frozen to be thawed and eaten at a later date.
Can I cook my steak in the air fryer?
We do not recommend using an air fryer with our steaks but we have made our steaks in an air fryer and they turned out delicious! We put the steak in for 14 minutes at 400°F.
How long can I store Prein the freezer?
For highest quality and best eating experience upon thawing and cooking, we recommend no more than 6 months for ground beef and no more than 1 year for steaks/roasts.
Why does my beef smell weird?
If the meat is not spoiled or smells very off and rancid, then it most likely is due to the nature of vacuum packaging.
Sometimes, there can be what is called“containment odor” with vacuum packages meats. You will find a strong smell when opened, but it should dissipate after a minute or two and then smell fine.
There should be no issue with taste as well despite this phenomenon, and it is safe to eat(not spoiled).The sticky/slimy feel is most likely due to the protein in the purge while kept under vacuum packaging. You can blot with a paper towel before cooking, which will help to get a better sear.
Is Pre beef Halal?
If you see the Halal logo on our beef, it is Halal compliant.
All of our beef is imported with a halal certification and follows all practices according to Muslim Sharia Law. This includes being hand-slaughtered by a practicing Muslim, not by machine.
Our beef supply and our processor who cuts our steaks and grinds our ground beef is certified halal. Our brand is not yet certified, which is a documentation and processing procedure. We are currently working on this. This is why we use the generic logo on our package for now.
The suppliers we source from are certified by the following certifying bodies in Australia and New Zealand (but not limited to).
- Australian Federation of Islamic Councils Inc
- Australian Halal Development and Accreditation
- Global Australian Halal Certification
- New Zealand Islamic Development Trust
Our processor is certified by American Halal Foundation.
Is Pre® Marinated beef Halal?
Our marinades, Korean Bulgogi and Barbacoa, are not Halal. The meat is Halal, but the spices are not certified to be Halal.
Shipping & Delivery
Where can I get Pre beef delivered?
We deliver to all 48 contiguous states (all states except Alaska and Hawaii).
How is my beef packed and shipped?
Pre beef is carefully packaged to seal in taste and freshness. We ship using dry ice in a cooler box if ordering from Eatpre.com
How long will it take to receive a shipment?
Orders placed Monday/Tuesday will ship the following day with a maximum of 3 business days in transit.
Orders placed Wed-Sun will process the following Monday and take a maximum of 3 business days in transit.
AmazonFresh, ships fresh daily
There is a problem with my delivery. What can I do?
If you experience any issues with your orders, please call 844-PRE-FOOD for assistance.
If, at any time, you have problems with an order, including any problem regarding your credit card or other payment method or any address or shipping information related to your order, please contact us at reachus@eatpre.com and we will happily discuss your order and any refunds or exchanges to which you may be entitled.
If your refund is approved, a credit will be applied to your credit card or original method of payment within 7 days of approval.
Will my beef arrive frozen?
Orders from Amazon Prime and Eatpre.com arrive frozen. All other orders (AmazonFresh, Peapod, Jet) are kept cold and arrive fresh.
Wholesale Inquiries
How do I sell Pre?
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