How to Cook the Perfect Steak in 20 Minutes
Cooking the perfect steak doesn't need to be hard.
If you buy quality grass fed and finished beef, the flavor will come through with just a little salt and high heat oil. In this video we demonstrate how to cook the perfect steak with a Pre Ribeye steak.
To get a perfect medium rare we recommend cooking for 4 minutes on each side or until the internal temperature is 105 to 115 degrees.
Salt + High Heat Oil + Cast Iron Pan + Pre Steak = #beefbliss
Not cooking a ribeye?
Check out our Steak Cooking Guide that will give you times and temperatures to cook the perfect Filet Mignon, New York Strip and Top Sirloin steaks.
The differences in grass fed vs corn fed
Grass fed beef cooks differently than corn fed beef, we've broken down the science so you can get the perfect cook each time!
Learn how to not overcook grass fed and finished steaks