Better for you beef

What is Better For You Beef

When it comes to beef, the quality and nutritional value can vary depending on several factors, such as the animal's diet, lifestyle, and how it was raised and processed.

Grass-fed and finished beef is generally considered to be better for you than conventionally raised beef. Grass-fed beef comes from cattle that have grazed on grass and other natural forages throughout their lives, while conventionally raised cattle are often fed a diet of grain, soy, and other processed foods. Grass-fed beef tends to be leaner, higher in healthy fats like omega-3s and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), and lower in unhealthy fats like omega-6s.


There is a massive stigma around red meat, claiming it's bad for you or eating too much of it will lead to disease. While everything should be enjoyed in moderation, red meat is not bad for you! Processed beef from feedlots and beef that is not pasture-raised beef is not exactly healthy for you. Conventional beef comes from cattle raised in concentrated animal feeding operations, also known as factory farms, and they feed only grain. These cattle are sometimes raised in dirty environments full of stress and have no room to move around. This plays a HUGE part in the health of the animal which you are then eating. Here are a few things that make Pre Beef the best beef brand for you.

The Stress of The Cattle Matters

As odd as it sounds, the animal's stress will change the meat's taste and health benefits. Our cattle ranchers can test the bones of the cattle to see their stress levels through a process called ossification. Ossification is the process of bone formation. Now, get this the more bone formed in the spine of beef cattle, the more stressed that animal's life was. Stress can negatively affect bone production and growth as the animal grows, which shows in the spine. If the cattle have more cartilage and less bone, though, they lived a happy and nutritionally balanced life. The "ossification score" is a method of checking the bones of a slaughtered animal to look at its age, stress levels, and overall quality of life before it was butchered for its meat.
While many look at the animal's age, we prefer to look at the quality of life. A young animal with a high ossification score did not have the best quality of life. And a more mature animal that has a low ossification score lived a great life, enjoying pasture and happily eating up all the delicious grass. That all adds up to the best, better for you beef possible. While young cattle
 are often prized, older cattle that have seen less stress may provide more tender meat!

Meat Color is Important

We have a tight specification on meat color, ensuring that our beef is not too dark or pale. Why? Well, meat color is a great indication of how stressed an animal was before slaughter, and it relates to the pH of the muscle too. Let's take a look at meat that is too dark. The dark color is because the pH remained high and did not drop to normal levels. A stressed animal will use up its glycogen reserves (energy) while dealing with the stress so that after slaughter, there isn't enough glycogen to be converted to lactic acid, which lowers the pH of the muscle. Because the pH remains high, the meat becomes a dark purple/black color. When cooked, this dark meat can be tough and dry and will usually spoil faster. We adhere to strict meat color parameters and only source from farmers who practice humane slaughtering methods. This ensures our cattle are not stressed before slaughter. This plays a massive part in better for you beef. 

Look for Pasture Raised Beef

Pasture-raised beef means the cattle could roam freely on grass and eat fresh grass. Be sure to ask or research the brand to make sure their definition of pasture raising matches your quality standards, since every brand can create their own definition for a pasture raised claim.
For Pre Brands, our cattle spend their whole lives outdoors in a pasture, eating fresh grass all year round. Animals in grazing systems are often healthier than animals housed in confinement. The cattle have more space and access to fresh air; this reduces their exposure to high levels of microorganisms. Reducing their exposure to microorganisms keeps them healthy. Additionally, increased freedom for movement enhances physical fitness and decreases injury opportunities.
Not only is Pre beef sourced from cattle that are pasture raised year-round, but it is also raised on pastures that implement rotational grazing

Grass Fed and Finished Beef is Better for You Beef

Let’s talk about what grass fed and finished means. All cattle begin their lives on pasture foraging with their mothers on grass, but then they can be moved and confined to a feedlot and fed grain or grain by-products during the last months of their lives to “fatten” them up quickly. This is where the “finishing” part comes in. All of Pre beef is “finished” on pasture and never in a feedlot. The reason Pre uses the term 100% Grass Fed & Finished is to alleviate any confusion as to what the cattle eat and how they are raised. The quality of the beef and the environmental impact of the cattle is significantly attributes to the entire lifespan of the animal and its holistic treatment. The USDA standards do not allow for feedlot finishing or feeding cattle grains and grain by-products if a brand wants to label their beef “100% Grass Fed.” The claim “Grass Finished” is not the same as “Grass Fed” because animals that are “grass finished” can be fed grain, in which case the claim “Grain Fed, Grass Finished” would be truthful and not misleading.
The answer is simple. Grass fed and finished beef is cleaner. Cleaner beef equals a cleaner, healthier you. Many factors make grass fed and finished beef a better choice. It contains higher amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids and CLAs (Conjugated Linoleic Acids). Omega-3 fatty acids help prevent heart disease, while CLAs are thought to help burn fat and fight inflammation. Additionally, grass-fed and finished beef has been shown to have higher amounts of Vitamin B12 and K2, and more antioxidants, specifically Vitamin E. You do not have to be afraid of fat when the fat you choose reaps health benefits. 

Pre Beef is Better for You Beef!

We've been at the top of the grass fed beef game for years. We're a meat brand built around a shared commitment and passion for doing things as nature intended, delivering healthy and sustainable food that tastes delicious every time. From pasture to package to the plate, we consistently source only grass-fed & finished beef that has been raised and finished without the addition of hormones, antibiotics, or GMOs. Check out our store locator to find where to buy Pre near you!
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