Our Sourcing
Learn all about who, where, and how Pre Brands sources meat

Pasture Raised
We source from farmers in Australia, New Zealand, and parts of the United States that offer pasture raising year-round.
The Reason
Nutrient-rich grasses in Australia and New Zealand, and specific areas of the United States for cattle to graze on is key to a nutritious diet. Plus, in these areas they have some of the strictest standards. (There, organic isn't a label, it's a lifestyle they've practiced for generations.)
We Follow the 5 Freedoms for all Animals
- We source from farmers in Australia, New Zealand, and parts of the United States that offer pasture raising year-round.
- Freedom from hunger, thirst, and malnutrition
- Freedom from discomfort
- Freedom from pain, injury and disease
- Freedom from fear and distress
- Freedom to engage in normal patterns of animal behavior
Our Philosophy
As a pasture raised beef brand, we believe that food naturally tastes great when chosen with integrity and care. And that nature, not technology, should be responsible for what's on our plates. That means no added hormones or antibiotics and no GMOs. We work only with farms that raise animals in ethical, natural, sustainable environments.
No kidding. We choose from 15 points of curation including source, breed, diet, taste, tenderness, quality, marbling, color, size, and weight.
Ethically sourced meat from select regions in New Zealand and Australia and parts of the United States.
Mitchell grass, Flinders grass, clover, rye and alfalfa. Variety is key for a healthy diet.
Pasture raised beef has more to do with environment than diet. Cattle are not confined and are free to graze on open pasture. At a minimum, to label your beef "Pasture Raised" USDA requires that pasture raised animals must have continuous access to the outdoors for 120 days per year. At Pre, cattle are raised outdoors on pasture year-round for their lifespan.
We only use Angus and Hereford, the two most tender breeds.
All our supply is guaranteed non-GMO through third-party audits in Australia and New Zealand, and specific areas of the United States.
We have looked at organic beef to source in the past. While we really appreciate organic food in many other categories, in our experience, most of the organic beef we tasted wasn’t great, and it certainly wasn’t consistent. We also found out that being labeled organic doesn’t mean or guarantee that the product is pasture raised beef. You can feed animals organic corn and grain, and still label the meat organic.
Because of this, we decided to go a different route and find the best grass-fed, grass-finished and pasture raised beef we could find, providing both a consistent, delicious beef eating experience, and the health benefits that we believe people want.
We identified the best regions in the world that grow the healthiest, most nutrient dense grass year-round, resulting in great tasting, better for you, premium fresh beef. The health benefits of grass fed and finished Pre® beef are that it is lower in fat and calories than grain fed beef, with no added antibiotics or growth hormones, and sourced from humanely treated cattle.
No added subtherapeutic antibiotics
At Pre, we believe in controlled and safe use of antibiotics when animals are in need. If an animal is sick, a veterinarian will administer antibiotics and remove the animal from the rest of the herd. When the tested amount of time has gone by and the antibiotics are out of the animal’s system, the animal is let back in the herd.
In Australia and New Zealand, there are currently no mRNA vaccines that are approved for use in cattle or any other livestock. The vaccines given to cattle in these countries are traditional types of vaccines, such as killed or modified-live vaccines, that have been used for many years to protect cattle from infectious diseases. To learn more, view our FAQ page here.
No added hormones
There are absolutely no added hormones to our products. While cattle naturally have hormones (like all living beings), we never use added hormones to promote rapid growth.
We pride ourselves on being a grass-fed and grass-finished beef brand. Our beef is wet aged and shipped in the subprimal form by sea freight which has a lower carbon footprint than other methods of transport such as air, rail or motor vehicle. All our beef is cut, trimmed or ground in Chicago. The beef sourced from the areas in the United States is transported to us in Chicago by truck.